CACS Membership
Yearly renewal for previous members
Please download the following form, 2024-25 Membership Registration Form, fill it out, then save and attach it as an e-mail to the CACS office. Send a hard copy of the form with your check to the CACS Office.
CACS Office:
c/o Green River Christian Academy
800 Homestead Dr.
Green River, WY 82935​
Do not mail the form or fees to AACS. The deadline for membership registration is October 4, 2024. The fees are as follows:
Students (K3-12): $11 each
Administrators / Teachers / Pastors (full and part time): $3 each
Become a new member of CACS
1. Read and agree to the Statement of Faith.
2. Fill out the 2024-25 Membership Registration Form. Mail to the president of CACS,
Pastor Jeff Chappell.
3. Representatives from the CACS board will contact you and arrange for an on-site inspection of your school. Home-school entities will not need an on-site inspection.
4. The final step is to be officially accepted by a vote of the CACS board.
CACS/AACS Membership Benefits
Benefits for Schools:
Full-time National and Legislative Offices
Legislative oversight and representation in Washington, D.C.
School Accreditation Program
Discount on standardized achievement testing
Local and National Bible, Fine Arts, and Academic Competition
Annual Festival Choir and Band Concert
Washington Flyer
BJU Press discount
Fellowship with other member schools
Church Mutual Insurance discount
Parent Update
Annual Christian Educators' conventions
AACS RightPath Retirement Program
Annual National Legislative Conference
Teacher Placement Service
Legal Report
Legal hotline
Benefits for Students:
Local and National Bible, Fine Arts, and Academic Competition
Student Leadership Conferences
Youth Legislative Training Conference
Annual Festival Choir and Band Concert
Fellowship with students from other Christian schools
American Christian Honor Society
Standardized achievement testing program
Benefits for Teachers:
Teacher in-service/educator conference
Teacher Certification Program
Fellowship with Christian educators from member schools
Teacher Placement Service
Journal for Christian Educators (3 issues per year)
AACS RightPath Retirement Program
Professional Development Training